Company Background:
International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and Nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.
International Medical Corps is therefore looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position of Nutrition Project Manager to be based in Damboa (60%) Maiduguri (40%)
Position: Nigerian nationals only
Program Background
IMC provides curative and preventive nutrition interventions to 15 OTPs in Damboa, Jere, Konduga and MMC LGAs as well as treatment of SAM cases with medical complications in Damboa Stabilization Centre. The curative component targets children, 6-59 months with SAM. Community health volunteers screen and refer children with a MUAC <11.5cm or WHZ < -3 or those with grade + or ++ or edema to OTP sites for treatment. SAM cases are treated at the OTP using RUTF, deworming and Vitamin supplementation. Children with severe acute malnutrition and medical complications or those <6 months are referred to stabilization centers. In addition, caregivers of children 6-59 months are trained on how to measure MUAC. If a caregiver identifies a child with SAM these are re-assessed by the CHV and if confirmed, the child is referred to the OTP. These children receive nutrition support through RUTF based on their weight, treated for infections using routine medication and screened and treated for malaria. The severely acutely malnourished who are 24-59 months are de-wormed. All severely acutely malnourished without edema receive routine vitamin A supplementation and zinc supplements for those that present with diarrhea, whilst those presenting with malnutrition and medical complications are to stabilization centers for specialized treatment.
• As a key member of the Nutrition and Food Security team, fully participates in key decision making for the Nutrition program in the operation areas.
• The primary functions of the Nutrition Manager is to provide leadership and overall day to day management of all Nutrition programming at duty designation and state, participate in defining intervention priorities, develop necessary contacts and relationships with government, non-government, donors and UN agencies at the state level; Contribute to the development of strategies and manage existing programs and resources, and provide day to day supervision, management and coaching to the entire Nutrition team in the operation areas.
• Ensure that International Medical Corps program is delivering the highest level of quality of nutrition services in line to national and international guideline.
Main Responsibilities
• The Nutrition Manger will be responsible for the overall management of the day to day nutrition and nutrition integrated program activities at state level.
• Management and supervision of Nutrition staff and overall nutrition program within the frame work of national guideline
• Liaison with MoH and UNICEF officials for nutrition program
• Ensure all authorities and communities are kept well informed of the program,
• Providing ongoing training for SMoH staffs with special emphasis to develop ownership of the program by SMoH staff and build their capacity to sustain the program.
• Maintain work schedule with each OTP and IYCF site as well as community mobilization.
• Coordinate to implement the program accordingly and overseeing the strong link between Community outreach, OTP, IYCF and respective SC.
• Supervise and support the outreach team and to implement quality community mobilization for the successful outcome of the CMAM program.
• Update the nutrition coordinator on the implementation of the CMAM/IYCF-E and Family MUAC approach on weekly basis.
• Assign tasks among the staff according to the variation in workload, holidays, unplanned absences or illness
• Work with State MoH, and other officials to ensure all aspects of program understood and agreed.
• Conduct Joint supportive supervision and capacity assessment of the OTP sites on monthly basis with State and LGA nutrition focal person and incorporate the finding to the monthly progress report.
• Ensure referrals to the nearest SMOH, MSF and IRC inpatient care are monitored smoothly.
• Follow up management of stocks with the storekeeper; monitor rates of consumption and ensure supplies are ordered in a timely manner
• Ensure all criteria are respected and understood by the teams, including admission, discharge and transfer to and from the various components of the program, all medical and nutritional protocols, and their application/OTP/CG services.
• Ensure the beneficiaries, caretakers and members of the community are treated respectfully at all times
• Lead regular nutrition team management meetings
• Report any problems in a timely manner to the Nutrition Coordinator,
• Prepare monthly progress reports and statistic reports and an end of project final report for submission to the Nutrition coordinator.
• Ensure all IMC supported health facilities have reference CMAM guidelines and protocols
• Ensure all IMC supported HF are equipped with all necessary tools and materials (e.g. MUAC, scales, drugs, RUTF, counselling cards, referral guides),
• Facilitate delivery of stipends, other payments to respective staff and CHVs
• To ensure that all staff fully complete and sign time sheets monthly for submission to HO
• To ensure payments made locally are compliant with the Procurement & Authorization Chart with appropriate supporting documentation
• To ensure that distribution lists and records are properly documented, maintained and filed for submission to HO quarterly
• To ensure stock cards are maintained for all items received, separated by donor and reconcile to all store documents
• To ensure assets are safe guarded and included on the monthly update of assets to HO
• Assist in any other tasks when required.
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- Actively promote PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards within International Medical Corps and amongst beneficiaries served by International Medical Corps.
Any other duties that may be assigned from time by supervisors
Compliance & Ethics: Promotes and encourages a culture of compliance and ethics throughout International Medical Corps. As applicable to the position, maintains a clear understanding of International Medical Corps’ and donor compliance and ethics standards and adheres to those standards. Conducts work with the highest level of integrity.
Qualification and Experience
• Masters, with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in Public Health, Nutrition and Dietetic, Community extension work or any related field
• Bachelor Degree, with 5 years’ direct nutrition program work experience and implementation of nutrition intervention programs.
• PGD with 3.5 years related experience in Public Health, Nutrition and Dietetic, Community extension work or any related field
• Understanding of nutritional surveillance and information systems
• Proven ability and experience in planning and conducting formal training session on nutrition including CMAM and IYCF
• Proven capacity to supervise, train and coach local staff and community workers.
• Excellent communication skills and a willingness to be respectful, kind, sensitive and empathize with children and their care takers
• Willingness and capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with difficult and frustrating working conditions
• Prepared to live and work in an uncertain security environment
• Ability to deal with relations with local authorities as a Nutrition representative of IMC in the working areas
• Ability to integrate into the local environment including awareness of political, religious and economic aspects of the community
• Excellent inter and intra personal skills to ensure consistent positive relations with key stakeholders
• Familiarity with donors and donor procedures helpful.
• Strong report writing and computer skills
• Fluent in written and spoken English and Hausa
• Commitment to and understanding of IMC’s aims, values and principles.
• Computer literate in Word and Excel
• The employee must read, understand and implement the organization’s gender policy. He /She is expected to be gender sensitive and commit towards implementing approaches supporting gender focused concepts.