Breaking News

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Recruitment at Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid in more than 60 countries to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters or exclusion from healthcare.

We are recruiting to fill the positions below:


Job Title: Nurse

Code: MT03100
Location: Shinkafi, Zamfara
Report to: Project Medical Referent
Report to (functional) : Nursing Activities Manager
Area: Medical and Paramedical
Working Hours: 48 Hours per Week
No of Places: 03
Contract Duration: 6 months
Level: 5

Main Purpose

  • Providing nursing care, treatment and follow-up of patients, according to doctors’ prescriptions, protocols applied in service and universal hygiene standards/precautions, in order to ensure the quality and continuity of care for the targeted population


  • Organizing and carrying out care and treatments according to medical prescriptions, and assisting during consultations, daily rounds and other medical procedures. Participating in health education of the patient (and family) when necessary.

  • Identifying Sexually Gender Based Violence victims and referring them to the medical team so they can receive the necessary treatment. Knowing and is aware of the importance and appropriate use of the Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Kit.

  • Ensuring patients are properly received and installed and that those with lack of autonomy are assisted, especially regarding their feeding, personal hygiene, movements and comfort. For ER and OPD nurse, ensuring triage of patients in waiting areas, wards or during emergencies, detecting the priority acute/emergency cases, carrying out first aid care and referring them to the doctor when necessary.

  • Sending material to be sterilized and recuperates it from sterilization.

  • Knowing, promoting, implementing and following up the universal hygiene standards/ precautions, bio-hazard prevention and infection control, security rules and other protocols and procedures in the medical premises and ensuring high standards of hygiene of his/her working environment. Respecting medical secrets and confidentiality at all times.

  • Carrying out admission, surveillance and follow-up of patients (i.e. assessment of the evolution of their state of health


  • Essential recognized nurse degree/diploma.

  • Desirable Bachelor in Science of Nursing.


  • Desirable 2 years of previous experience and previous experience in other NGO’s.

  • Demonstrable experience in supervising and training others in a team setting.



  • Essential: computer literacy (word, excel and internet).


  • Results and Quality Orientation, Teamwork and Cooperation, Behavioral and Flexibility, Commitment to MSF Principles, Stress Management.

NGN 3,014,622 (Annual basic Salary +13th month) as per the MSF salary scale (national contract)

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a CV, Motivation Letter, copy of Nursing and Midwifery License, copies of credentials and copy of the NYSC certificate (only PDF or Word) to: (in the subject please to put the position and the reference for while you are applying).



Job Title: Midwife

Code: MS03000
Location: Shinkafi, Zamfara
Report to: Project Medical Referent
Report to (functional): Medical Activity Manager
Area: Medical
Working Hours: 48 Hours per Week
Contract Duration: 6 months
Level: 6

Main Purpose

  • Provide obstetrical care to pregnant women and their babies, doing follow up before, during and after delivery, according to MSF obstetrical and reproductive health protocols, universal hygienic and newborn caring standards and under supervision of a specialist doctor, in order to ensure their health conditions and avoid post-delivery complications.


  • Ensuring the implementation and continuity of antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, obstetrical care (BEmONC 1 and CEmONC 2), neonatal and comprehensive abortion care, management of victims of sexual violence, reproductive tract infections and Fistula care in accordance with MSF Reproductive Core Package of Activities and reinforce the implementation of standardized protocols.

  • Where PMTCT is implemented, ensuring implementation of the PMTCT protocol in the ANC/delivery and PNC consultations (pre counseling, test and post counseling.

  • Collaborating with the medical doctor and /or nurse in the management of Sexual Violence cases.

  • Assessing the feasibility for referral of pregnant women form the TBAs to the OPD/MCH for medical evaluation and/or complicated deliveries.

  • Ensuring hygiene and sterilization criteria (including universal precautions) are met according to MSF specifications.

  • Performing cleaning and minor maintenance for biomedical equipment used. Following the user manual and protocols and alert supervisor in case of malfunctioning.

  • Guaranteeing a regular and ongoing supply of drugs and equipment required for maternity activities (including monitoring/consumption control/ordering of orders.

  • Properly following up all newborn babies from delivery until discharge, informing mothers and relatives about importance of breast feeding, vaccination and possible complications resulting from harmful traditional practices.

  • Ensuring patients’ right to privacy and confidentiality is respected.

  • Supervising that administrative procedures of admissions and hospitalizations comply with MSF protocols, as well as verify patients are properly informed and receive the documents required (birth certificate, vaccination card, etc.

  • Participating in the organization of the ward in collaboration with other midwifes and the maternity ward supervisor. Ensure transfer of relevant information to the next shift team (specially identifying risk cases)

  • According to MSF protocols in force, conduct normal deliveries independently.

  • Manage obstetric emergencies; identify cases needing referral and send them in time, clean up the newborn, executing and registering first neo-natal medical acts (cutting and cleaning the umbilical cord, vaccination, etc.), detecting possible anomalies/infections of the newborn and reporting them to the doctor, in order to ensure successful interventions

  • Supervises the use of drugs, facilities and obstetric material, in order to ensure, in accordance with number of patients and prescriptions, a rational use as well as pharmacy stock levels are permanently updated, kept under appropriate conditions and above minimum safety point. 1 BEmONC = basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care = Administration of antibiotics, oxytocic, anticonvulsants, manual removal of the placenta, removal of retained products following abortion, assisted vaginal delivery, preferably with vacuum extractor and newborn care including neonatal resuscitation. 2 CEmONC = comprehensive obstetric and neonatal care = the full package of BEmONC Plus; surgery (caesarean section, hysterectomy, laparatomy), safe blood transfusion and care to sick and low birth weight newborns.

MSF Section / Context Specific Accountabilities

  • Running SRH awareness program in the community.

  • Training of MOH midwives on SRH related clinical management, counselling, and guiding principles.

  • Responsible for confidential record keeping of cases (registration book, using codes, data collection, and analysis).

  • Flexibility to perform any other work related to her/his position if requested by the line manager.


  • Education: Essential midwifery qualification or specialization. Desired Bachelor in Midwifery.

  • Experience: Essential working experience of at least two years in midwife activities related jobs. For OCBA, this is desirable.

  • Languages: English and Hausa.

  • Competencies: Results and Quality Orientation, Teamwork and Cooperation, Behavioral and Flexibility, Commitment to MSF Principles, Stress Management.

NGN 3, 949, 153 (Annual basic Salary +13th month) as per the MSF salary scale (national contract).

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a CV, Motivation Letter, Copy of Nursing and Midwifery License, copies of Credentials and copy of the NYSC Certificate (only PDF or Word) by email to: (in the subject please to put the position and the reference for while you are applying).



Job Title: Nursing Team Supervisor

Location: Shinkafi, Zamfara
Report To: Project Medical Referent
Report To (functional): Medical Activity Manager
Area: Medical
Code: MS01902
Working Hours: 48 Hours per Week
No. of Places: 1
Contract Duration: 6 months
Level: 8

Main Purpose

  • Plan, organize, and evaluate the activities concerning nursing and the team associated, according to MSF values, policies and protocols and universal health standards, in order to warrant the quality and continuity of the health care and the development of the plan of action.


  • Carry out the functions and tasks associated to nursing i.e. perform as a nurse or anesthetist, whenever required or needed, in order to optimize the resources, contributing with his/her knowledge and experience.

  • Implement all the protocols and hygiene procedures, and supervise his/her team follow the same standards, in order to warrant the quality of the care and service in his/her specialty.

  • Organize and coordinate the activities of his/her team (week’s schedule, annual leave, absences, etc.), evaluate their performance and define and ensure the needs for training of staff, in order to ensure the coverage of the human resources needs and maintain high standards of quality.

  • Carry out and/or supervise the ( decentralized) pharmacy and medical equipment management (drugs orders, followup of the stock, storage conditions, inventories, follow-up of expired drugs and their destruction, drugs consumption,etc.)in his or her department, in order to satisfy the needs of material with efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Ensuring that all staff using medical devices are qualified and trained. Ensuring that cleaning and minor maintenance tasks are performed according to the protocols. Reporting any malfunction to the project biomedical service.

  • Carry-out and/or coordinate administrative (exit-paper, transfer-paper, etc.), information and data collection (patient files, forms, statistics, etc.) tasks, and elaborate regular reporting, in order to have updated and reliable information

  • about the day-to-day activity in the project, output/ outcome and support decision-taking.

  • Give feedback/ reports to medical focal point.

MSF Section / Context Specific Accountabilities:

  • Check whether the patient file is filled in correctly (e.g. documentation of weight graphs, daily MUAC, documentation of important information in the consultants notes, medical prescriptions etc.).

  • Perform weekly data analyses of the nutrition data and help analysing data for reports such as weekly and monthly Sitrep.

  • Overall responsible for correct waste segregation and disposal as per MSF protocol, constantly monitoring and reminding staff of the importance.


  • Education: Specialty (nurse or anesthetist) diploma essential.

  • Experience: Essential 2 years of previous experience. Having worked in MSF or other NGO’s and in developing countries is desirable.

  • Languages: English and Haussa.

  • Knowledge: Essential computer literacy (word, excel and internet).

  • Competencies: Results and Quality Orientation, Teamwork and Cooperation, Behavioral and Flexibility,

  • Commitment to MSF Principles, Stress Management.


  • NGN 4,952,246 (Annual basic Salary +13th month) as per the MSF salary scale (national contract)

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a CV, motivation letter, copy of Nursing and Midwifery License, copies of Credentials, copy of NYSC Certificate (only PDF or word) either by email to: In the subject please to put the position and the reference for while you are applying.



Application Deadline 16th March, 2020.



  • Only short-listed applicants will be contacted

  • Applications are non-returnable. Do not submit original certificates or credentials.

  • MSF Encourages Women and People with Disability Status to Apply.

Designed By