Breaking News

Friday, May 15, 2015

The World Health Organization – WHO Vacancies, Friday 15, May 2015

WHOWHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.


Vacancy Notice No: AFRO/15/TA125

Location: Abuja

Grade: NO-C

Contract type: Temporary appointment

Duration of contract: Twelve (12) months

Organization unit: AF_WSR AF West Sub-Region (AF_WSR) / AF_NGA Nigeria (AF_NGA)

Health Systems Cluster


Improved skills at federal and state levels to formulate, implement and manage evidence-based and gender-sensitive HRH policies and plans

Increased capacity of Bauchi and Cross River States to effectively deploy, manage and retain health workers (F/M) (of adequate mix and distribution) in at least 10 LGAs in each state.

Increased capacity of existing health workforce-training institutions (HTIs) to produce sufficient, qualified gender mixed frontline health workers (F/M) in Bauchi and Cross River States.

Increased competence of MoH HRH units, professional associations and regulatory bodies to contribute to effective management of frontline health workers in Bauchi and Cross River States.

Increased stakeholder involvement in MoH-led joint reviews of HRH programs in Bauchi and Cross River States.

Increased capacity for policy dialogue, coordination and mobilization of human resources for health in Bauchi and Cross River States


Under the overall Guidance of the WHO Country Representative, and direct supervision of the Cluster Leader and Adviser of the Health Systems Strengthening Cluster (HSS/HSA) at the WHO Country Office in Abuja, (HSS/HAS) is the overall overseer of the HRH project) the incumbent will be responsible for:

Moving the agenda of the project forward in close collaboration with the technical staff, at Federal and state levels in Bauchi and Cross-River States, making sure that the various deadlines of this project are met in line with signed agreement between WHO and DFATD, including day-to-day following up on and facilitating the management, administrative and logistic aspects of the project .

Supporting the development, implementation and monitoring of Annual Work Plans (AWP) based on the Project implementation Plan (PIP).

Maintaining project documentation and catalogue of project related publications, and in consultation with HSS Cluster Leader, ensuring visibility of the project and its sponsor (DFATD-Canada) as per signed agreement between WHO and DFATD, also ensuring continuous IT support and security / back-up routines,

Following-up on sub-contracts with the project-implementing partners based on the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and agreed roles that these partners will undertake (ensuring that WHO Regulations and procedures for sub-contracting are observed (in consultation with OO and BFO)

Assisting HSS Cluster Leader and working with WCO/HR unit and OO on recruitment of temporary project staff/consultants, drafting terms of reference and contracts as required.

In close consultation with the Head of HSS Cluster and BFO, following up and compiling technical and financial reports from HRH Project Officers in Bauchi and Cross River States, also those of implementing partners in line with signed MoU, adhering to the agreed format and schedules of reporting with Donor (DFATD-Canada)

Budgeting and budget control, in particular, budget exhaustion, and timely alerting of the Head of HSS Cluster and Budget & Finance Officer (BFO) in case of non-moving budget lines and threatening budget overflows.

Supporting the functioning, timely and effective organization of regular meetings of project steering committee (PSC) and technical group committees (TG) as described in the MoU and as per project proposal section 3.4.2 (Governance and Management Structures), entailing among other things serving as secretariat of the PSC and TG meetings, timely preparation and distribution of relevant documents to the members and follow up on committees agreed action points.

Handling all procurement aspects of the project, generally and especially in support of Health training institutions (HTI) that are supported under the project to regain their accreditations. This will involve processing tender procedures in line with WHO procurement and tender procedures in close collaboration with Head of HSS Cluster, OO, BFO and existing procurement committee.

Organizing all local and international missions, other meetings, workshops and fora related to the HRH project with support from the project Assistant/secretary.

Working in close collaboration with OO/WCO to ensure all vehicles and other assets procured for the project are documented and accounted for, well maintained, appropriately utilized, in line with WHO Standard Operation Procedures and as agreed with Donor (DFATD-Canada).

Any other relevant duty assigned to him by the supervisor(s).



First University Degree in either Business/Public Administration, Economics, or Social/Organizational Development Studies (Essential)

Post Graduate Degree or Advanced Diploma in project management, International relations/development, finances and or human resources (Desirable:)


He/she should have basic M&E and statistical skills, very good communication and report writing skills, computer abilities such as word processing, working with spread-sheets and other related packages necessary for project management

WHO Competencies:

Producing results

Fostering integration and team work

Communicating in a credible and effective way

Respecting and Promoting individual and cultural differences

Moving forward in a changing environment


Essential: At least 5 years working experience in project management (at national, regional/international levels) or experience as Organizational or Programme manager or planner in similar /large scale project(s).

Desirable: Project development/management especially in health and/or social development in recognized national andinternational organizations. Experience in health/social sector of developing countries.


Essential: Proficiency in written and spoken English.

Desirable: French is an added advantage



The Advisor provides technical advice and expertise for health policy review in general and health sector reformsstrategies in particular, including the National Strategic Health Development Plan (NSHDP). Provides technical expertise in the development and coordination processes both within the Health Sector; Sector Wide Approaches (SWAPs); International Health Partnerships (IHP) and other relevant coordination mechanism; United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and in broader development Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS); Universal Health Coverage (UHC); Millennium Development Goals and the health development agenda beyond 2015.


The Advisor takes lead and oversees the planning, implementations and monitoring of HSS programme; supervises and coordinates the health systems team/cluster at WHO country Office, and ensure close and effective collaboration with other WCO clusters as well as with other levels of WHO (IST/WA, AFRO and HQ);

Provide technical expertise, and leadership in the formulation of Health systems policy and develop and implement innovative approaches to health sector reform enhancing the lead role of WHO;

Support the Ministries of Health to realize multisectoral collaboration and partnerships in health systems policy development and reviews, and formulate effective health systems development strategies in order to enhance WHO’s contribution to the NSHDP, PRS, MDGs, UNDAF and other related processes;

Undertake in-depth health systems development analysis and policy dialogue based on specific national and regional policy issues, in close collaboration with the HSP Technical Unit and other relevant units within Health Systems and Innovations Cluster at both Regional and HQ level;

Build multi-sectorial partnerships with programmes whose actions have an impact on health systems development, identifying health interventions and policy processes of common benefit and with shared challenges;

Facilitate adaptation of WHO Regional and Global policies and guidelines on health systems development and build national capacities to enhance effective implementation.

Promote a coordinated approach to Health systems development and management with a focus on: human resources for health (HRH policy and strategic planning, transformative health workforce education, equitable deployment, retention in underserved areas, HRH information etc); Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) ; health research development and evidence for health policy; integrated health services delivery and other relevant aspects related to health systems and innovation; with a focus on Universal Health Service coverage and within the context of Primary Health Care Revitalization.

Facilitates effective integration of health systems components with priority health programmes (disease and non-disease programmes).


Essential: Advance university degree in health systems management; health policy and planning, Public Health, Primary Health Care or related health/social sciences..

Desirable: Good knowledge of health systems development, health policy analysis and development, partnerships and coordination mechanisms, health planning, human resources for health development and management; Ability to formulate and draft policies and briefing papers for use by MOH and the WR.


Policy analysis, health planning, research and human resources for health;

Ÿ Ability to lead and manage complex programmes;

Ÿ Strong negotiations skills and ability to influence decisions;

Ÿ Partnerships coordination and resource mobilization

Ÿ Monitoring and evaluation;

Ÿ Management and training skills;

Ÿ Computer literacy in basic software programmes.

WHO competencies:

Producing results;

Communicating in a credible and effective way;

Fostering integration and teamwork;

Ensuring the effective use of resources;

Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond;


Essential: At least 10 years of experience in the management of health systems in developing countries at national level and some 5 years at the international level.

Desirable: Experience and knowledge of the work of WHO and other related UN agencies will be advantageous


Essential: Excellent knowledge of English

Desirable: Knowledge of the other UN languages


Click on Job Title below:



DUE DATE: 25 May, 2015

Designed By